
Mahdi's dotfiles
git clone git://
Log | Files | Refs | Submodules | README | LICENSE

README (4848B)

      1 dotfiles
      2 --------
      4 ~/.config
      5 ├── fontconfig:             Font configuration
      6 ├── git:                    Content tracker
      7 ├── Kvantum:                Theme engine for QT
      8 ├── mbsync:                 Synchronize mailboxes (isync)
      9 ├── mpv:                    Audio/Video player
     10 ├── mutt:                   Email client
     11 ├── qutebrowser:            Web browser [Backup to surf]
     12 ├── surf:                   Web browser
     13 ├── vis:                    Text editor
     14 ├── wget:                   Network downloader
     15 ├── x11:                    Graphical server
     16 ├── yt-dlp:                 Download videos from many platforms
     17 ├── zathura:                Document viewer
     18 └── okshrc:                 Shell configuration
     20 ~/.local
     21 ├── bin
     22 │   ├── bg-gen:             Generate abstract wallpaper from my Xresources
     23 │   ├── bg-set:             Set wallpaper from ~/.local/share/wallpapers
     24                             using fzf and image previes (old)
     25 │   ├── bright:             Manage monitor brightness for my laptop
     26 │   ├── dmenu-archwiki:     Navigate archwiki offline
     27 │   ├── dmenu-askpass:      Ask password for scripts (used for sudo/doas)
     28 │   ├── dmenu-emoji:        Emoji selector
     29 │   ├── dmenu-fix-sheet:    View some quick fixes (fix this)
     30 │   ├── dmenu-man:          View your system man pages in zathura
     31 │   ├── dmenu-mpd:          Manage your music playlist using mpc (old)
     32 │   ├── dmenu-power:        shutdown/reboot/logout
     33 │   ├── dmenu-record:       Screen record using ffmpeg (fix this)
     34 │   ├── doas-askpass:       Ask passwords for doas using dmenu (dmenu-askpass)
     35 │   ├── dwm-bar:            Program to generate and set status text in dwm
     36 │   ├── email:              Sync mails
     37 │   ├── ix:                 Upload notes/logs into
     38 │   ├── lock:               Close notifications then lock screen (slock)
     39 │   ├── media-controller:   Manage multimedia in your desktop (fix this)
     40 │   ├── metch:              Mahdi's fetch
     41 │   ├── notify:             Show notifications using dzen2
     42 │   ├── pash:               A simple password manager using GPG
     43 │   ├── screenshot:         Screenshot like a boss using maim
     44 │   ├── snd:                Manage volume (pulse)
     45 │   ├── theme-sel:          Select a palette and reload your entire desktop's
     46                             theme (themes are stored in ~/.config/x11/themes)
     47 │   ├── toggle-touch:       Toggle touchpad for my laptop
     48 │   ├── torrent-from-clip:  Until the script is killed, it'll read my clipboard
     49                             and add magnet link to my torrent downloader
     50 │   ├── upload:             Upload files/directories into
     51 │   └── webcam:             Webcam using mpv
     52 ├── run
     53 ├── share
     54 │   └── fonts:              My system fonts
     55 ├── src
     56 │   ├── dmenu:              My build of dmenu
     57 │   ├── dwm:                My build of dwm
     58 │   ├── dzen2:              Dzen2 as notification
     59 │   ├── slock:              My build of slock
     60 │   ├── smenu:              smenu instead of fzf
     61 │   ├── st:                 My build of st
     62 │   ├── surf:               My build of surf
     63 │   ├── tabbed:             My build of tabbed
     64 │   └── xwallpaper:         Wallpaper setter
     65 └── state
     67 ─── .profile:               Environment variables
     69 Clone this repo
     70 ---------------
     71 You can clone the configurations/scripts:
     73 	git clone git://
     75 Even with this method, once you want to install one of my sets, it'll clone it
     76 from source and then build it, as long as you have active internet connection,
     77 you won't worry about it.
     79 Also you can clone the full repository with its submodules:
     80 (includes all of my fonts colletion and builds)
     82 	git clone git://
     83 	cd dotfiles
     84 	git submodule init
     85 	git submodule update
     87 	# or in one line:
     89 	git clone --recurse-submodules git://
     91 But this is also too much and I don't need all the fonts when I'm in a hurry,
     92 so I'll either remove the 'fonts' submodule manually from .gitmodules, or:
     94 	git clone git://
     95 	cd dotfiles
     96 	git -c submodule.".local/share/fonts".update=none \
     97 		submodule update --init --recursive
     99 This will clone this repository with submodules except the fonts submodule,
    100 which is ~27 MiB and it'll save resources.
    102 Usage
    103 -----
    104 Enter the following command to view the list of your options:
    106 	make
    108 Now you can select one, for example to install my build of surf you could do:
    110 	make surf